We now brought in a Bling meter in order to see the bling level of this site:
onsdag 17. juni 2009
mandag 15. juni 2009
The Pope kills again?
This picture was taken on the pimp side of the vatican 10 p.m 4. july 2010. It was sent to us by an anonymous source. Shortly after the Ratzinger was brought back to his appartment by the Swiss Guard.
søndag 14. juni 2009
Pimpin' Pope
fredag 12. juni 2009
E.T finger
Vil bare si hvor mye E.T finger eier: det eier så vilt at paven får et skjeldent tilfelle av konkuranse! Det eier faktisk så mye at synet gir paven bakoversveis (se headeren på bloggen, dette var etter ubeskyttet close enconter med E.T finger uten for sin leilighet i vatikane. ). Vi i redaksjonen jobber nå på spreng for å få våre "E.T finger pope legesy eddition" ut i vår web butikk. Så følg med det blir begrenset opplag.
vår webbutikk: www.popeshop.com
(We would just like to point out how much the E.T Finger Owns: It actually owns so bad that the pope got a rare case of competition! It owns so much that the sight gives the pope a bad hair day (Lokk at the header on this blog. this was after a close encounter with E.T Finger outside his appartment in the Vatican). Here in the pope my ride staff we are now working hard to get our "E.T Finger poep legesy eddition" into our webshop. so keep following because it is really cool.
Our Webshop: www.popeshop.com)